Author: Chelley Toy

I am often known to be a bit clumsy and a little loopy! Book loving (obsessed), theatre loving, slasher film loving csi geek! Winner of UKYABA Champion Newcomer 2015 and nominated for Champion of Social Media 2016 and Blogger Of The Year 2016! © 2014 - 2021 Michelle Toy All Rights Reserved

Tales Point Horror Book Club – Oculus – Movie Chat

Oculus (2013)  You see what it wants you to see. Join myself, @emmapullar_storyteller and super special guests @thatpointonpikestreet@bruckerhorror as we chat all things Mike Flanagan’s Oculus (2013) We chat about...

Tales Point Horror Book Club – Valentine – Movie Chat

Valentine (2001) Spoilers ahead Be my Valentine… or else! Join @joshuawinning , @emmap_storyteller and I as we chatted with our wonderful special guest the wonderful @dustincanread from @therewatchrecap as we share our killer valentines...