Tales Character Q&A With N J Simmonds

Today I am over the moon to be hosting a tour stop on the brilliant #Pathkeeper Blog Tour by N J Simmonds.
But this is a blog tour with a twist!
Not only do I have exclusive character graphics and a character Q&A, but I also have the next clue in the treasure hunt!

About The Book

What if our lives were mapped out before birth? Does anyone have the power to change their destiny?
Ella hates London. She misses her old life in Spain and is struggling to get over her past—until she meets Zac. He’s always loved her but isn’t meant to be part of her story. Not this time. Not ever. Little does she know that his secret is the one thing that will tear them apart and force her to live in a world that no longer makes sense. A world full of danger, lies and magic.
The Path Keeper is a passionate tale of first loves, second chances and the invisible threads that bind us. Can love ever be stronger than fate?
Exclusive Artwork
Meet Zac and Ella the two main characters in The Path Keeper……

They were commissioned by N J Simmonds herself and beautifully designed by credit Salome Totladze Twitter: @13nakahara and are just completely stunning!
Character Q&A With Zac & Ella
Now you know what Zac and Ella look like, I had the opportunity to interview them about love, fate and how they met. Here’s what they had to say…
Your love story is a very tumultuous one. I don’t quite know where to begin. Tell me what you thought of one another when you first met.
Zac – It was 5BC in Fiesole, Tuscany. She was called Arabella back then and had the same long, dark hair she has now. I liked the way it caught the sunlight as she…
Ella – Let’s stick to this lifetime, yeah? We met at a bus stop in Highgate, North London, a couple of months ago. It was quite corny actually. He was standing there, hood up, looking like some kind of lurker and I asked him to help me with a bag of books that broke. We walked up the hill together, I talked at him non-stop, then I didn’t see him again for ages. I thought he was hot though, and I was intrigued by his crazy-coloured eyes. They’re different shades of blue depending on his mood.
What attracted you to one another?
Ella – He was quiet and mysterious, you know, like those brooding guys in the movies. I’ve not had the best luck with men, but there was something kind of wise about him, but innocent too. And protective. I don’t know, he came along at the right time I guess. I got a bit obsessed. If I’d known then what I know now maybe I wouldn’t have chased so hard.
Zac – Really?
Ella – Well, OK, maybe not. It’s not like I’d have believed you. But I would have done things differently, we wouldn’t be in this mess if I had listened to you.
Would you say were made for one another?
Zac – No.
Ella – Oh, charming!
Zac – You know we’re not. Ella, you know there’s a big difference between the ones we choose to spend our current life with and our soul mates who traverse all life times. I told you who you’re The One is, and it’s not me.
Ella – I’m not interested in him.
Zac – We’ll see.
Wait, so you’re not the one Ella’s destined to be with, Zac? Are you not her Soul Mate?
Zac – I’m neither. I’m not allowed to be with her. Ella knows this. I tried to keep away but we couldn’t fight it. We’ve crossed the line, and now we have to pay the price. It’s been hard.
Ella – It certainly has been.
Zac – Ella, come on. Not everything’s an innuendo.
Tell me a little about yourselves. Where are you from?
Ella – Zac won’t answer that question. I can though. I was born and raised in the south of Spain to an English mum and a Spanish dad I never knew. I turned nineteen this year and moved to London after the summer. My mum married some really loaded hotel owner so I decided to carry on my studies here. My step-dad’s nice actually, way older than my mum but I like him. She used to be alright too when it was just us, she’s an idiot now though.
Zac – Ella!
Ella – What? It’s true.
Do you have any hobbies?
Zac – I play the classical guitar.
Ella – He’s really good. I don’t play any instrument, I don’t do much at all actually. I like to cook, when I can, and I’ve been out a few times in London now I’ve made some new friends. Mai Li and Kerry. They’re alright, I like hanging out with them actually. Life was way more fun in Spain though. You can’t be pissed off when it’s always sunny and you’re by the beach, you know? But I’m not in touch with anyone there anymore. I guess I’ll have to make the most of living here.
What do you like about London?
Zac – The way it’s constantly evolving. It’s always had its own rhythm, layers upon layers of history stacked beneath our feet. I’ve seen it shift and change before my very eyes, the city always moulding herself to her people. So old, so wise, yet forever throbbing with unstoppable energy.
Ella – I like the bars. That’s about it really… Definitely not the crowds, the Tube or this shitty weather
And finally, if you had one wish. What would it be?
Zac – To never have to leave Ella’s side.
Ella – Well, yeah, that. And to meet my dad. I don’t know anything about him, but I know my mum’s hiding something. Why are you looking at me like that Zac? Do you know something?

You can buy a copy of The Path Keeper here
The Clue

The competition answer letter for this blog is O. Collect all the letters on the blog tour to spell out the answer to the following question ‘What does Zac receive in the sequel Son of Secrets that’s completely out of character?’ Send the full answer after 28 May to [email protected] for your chance to win an exclusive The Path Keeper goody bag. Winner announced 1 July 2019. Open international.
About N J Simmonds

N.J. Simmonds began her career in glossy magazines and marketing, before becoming a freelance writer and consultant. She now fills her days writing books about fearless teens, magic and adventure. Originally from North London, with Spanish parentage, N.J. Simmonds currently lives in the Netherlands with her husband and two daughters.
Follow N J Simmonds on twitter – @NJSimmondsTPK
You can catch up or follow the rest of the fab blog tour at the following stops!

A hue thank you N J Simmonds for a fab post and for sharing the exclusive graphics with us!
Have you read The Path Keeper? What did you think? What was your favourite part? Why not leave a comment using the reply button at the top of the page or tweet/Facebook me using @chelleytoy